6 年間の電池式天然ガス警報
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天然ガス災害からの保護は、Denova Detect Natural Gas Alarms から始まります。このアラームは最大 6 年間のバッテリー寿命を特徴としており、停電の場合でも信頼できる保護機能を備えているため、電気代と毎年のバッテリー交換の煩わしさがなくなります。
イージーマウントシステム– ブラケット不要!見た目に不快なコードを必要とせずに、天井の近くに設置できます (天然ガスは空気よりも軽く、天井に向かって上昇するため、天然ガスがより正確に検出されます)。
信号電力、アラーム、およびトラブルを示す色付きのシンプルな LED インジケータ
10% LEL ガス警報しきい値による正確な検出により、緊急事態をはるかに早く警告します -- Fire & Risk Alliance によって検証された、25% LEL ガス警報しきい値より平均で 11 分長いアラート時間
GTI テストによって検証された、洗濯用洗剤、消毒スプレー、エアゾール ヘアスプレー、家具つや出し剤などの刺激の強い家庭用化学薬品によって引き起こされる迷惑アラームを実質的に排除します。
Micro-Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) センサー技術を使用したSmart Technologyは、他のセンサーよりも正確で高速なメタンガス検出を提供します。内部自己診断を含みます。キャリブレーション不要
英語とスペイン語の両方で警告を発する 85 db のアラーム ホーンによる音声アラート
1 つの家に 1 つのアラームでは十分な保護が得られない場合があります。
天然ガスが存在するすべての部屋に DENOVA DETECT NATURAL GAS ALARM を購入してください。
Home Safety Starts With You
DeNova Detect: The smartest battery-powered Natural Gas Alarm for your home.
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Contact UsWest Reading Receives Free Natural Gas Alarms
See how New Cosmos $25,000 natural gas alarm donation helped support the community in West Reading, Pennsylvania after a major gas explosion. Installing Natural Gas Alarms are a vital step to prevent natural gas tragedies and loss of life as they alert residents of potential emergencies.
Learn MoreAbout DeNova Detect
Since 1964, New Cosmos Electric Continues To Be The World-Leader In Residential Gas Explosion Prevention.
For over 60 years, we have been protecting people and property with innovative gas safety products. Our products create safe and secure spaces with the most advanced sensor technology possible. We adhere to the highest safety standards while offering the best value to our customers.
Our desire to design safe and comfortable environments always has and always will be at the core of who we are and what we do. We are currently the leading supplier of residential methane detectors in the global market with sales of over 70 million gas alarms.
We have developed and perfected a wide variety of products featuring our world-class gas sensor technology that include residential and industrial gas alarms, portable gas detectors, and odor sensors.
Established in 1960 and headquartered in Osaka, Japan, New Cosmos Electric has revolutionized the natural gas industry by providing reliable solutions and unmatched innovation. New Cosmos Electric is the global leader in gas sensor production and development. Our innovative product line and six decade history of success is a reflection of our commitment to our customers to always remain one step ahead.
New Cosmos Electric is the world leader in gas sensor production capacity and development. Our Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology has been implemented in gas sensors for a proven and substantial reduction in size and power consumption, allowing for the successful development of battery-powered Natural Gas Alarms.
We offer one of the earliest natural gas detection available in the US market (10% LEL) and our products significantly improve safety in residential and commercial settings. Our unique hot-wire semiconductor sensors offer high sensitivity for best-in-class gas detection. We strive to continually provide the highest value in life-saving technology by continuously optimizing our gas sensor technology.
New Cosmos Electric www.newcosmos-global.com/ formed a wholly owned subsidiary - New Cosmos USA, INC. in 2018. New Cosmos USA is headquartered in Chicago and has developed the DeNova Detect brand to provide gas alarms to some of the largest utility companies in the U.S. today. Our global team remains committed to deliver cutting-edge safety solutions to our customers in order to detect and protect what matters most.