Home Safety

Emergency Planning for Pet Owners: Gas Detection and Animal Safety

natural gas safety for pets

Our pets are more than just animals; they're members of our families. As responsible pet owners, we must ensure their safety and well-being in all situations, including household emergencies. 

While we often focus on human safety during crises, it's equally important to have a well-thought-out plan to protect our furry friends. Including your animals in your natural gas safety protocol is crucial to prioritizing their safety in an emergency. Because dogs, cats, and other household pets are different from humans, they require specialized considerations when developing your safety strategy.

Let’s explore the risks for our pets associated with gas leaks, the vital role natural gas detectors play in safeguarding them, how to create tailored emergency procedures, and practical ways to incorporate gas safety into your pet-proofing efforts.

Understanding the Risks

Gas leaks can happen in any home and pose significant threats to both humans and animals. Among the most common culprits are natural gas leaks and carbon monoxide (CO) leaks. Carbon monoxide, in particular, is especially insidious as it's odorless and colorless, making it impossible to detect without specialized equipment. Natural gas typically has scent added—giving it that dreaded rotten egg smell—so it is a bit easier to detect in your home. This said, relying on your nose is not enough. Any home that uses gas as an energy source should implement a gas detector, whether the gas is scented or not.

Pets are often the first to feel the impacts of a natural gas leak, and though this may be able to help you identify a leak faster, it is important to keep an eye on your furry friends and make sure they aren’t suffering the hazardous effects of gas poisoning. If your pet is showing unusual signs of vomiting, excessive sleeping or drowsiness, erratic or violent behavior, or is generally acting out of character, these may be signs of potential poisoning and a gas leak in your home.

Creating an Emergency Plan for Pets

September 17th is National Pet Carbon Monoxide Safety Day, so now is the best time to review—or, if you don’t already have one, establish—a natural gas alarm response plan. This day was created to help raise awareness for pet owners about the risks of gas-powered appliances and tools on their pets.

To ensure your pets' safety during gas emergencies, it's crucial to have a well-defined emergency plan in place. Here are some essentials to keep in mind when creating an emergency plan for your animals:


Emergencies, especially those that trigger loud alarms in the home, can frighten your pets and make them run away from the source of the noise to seek shelter. Make sure your pets have proper identification, such as microchips and collars with updated contact information. This will help you to reunite with your pets if you get separated during an evacuation.

Evacuation Kit

Pets require special care, too! Prepare a comprehensive evacuation kit specifically tailored for them. This kit should include essential items such as food, water, medications, and comfort items. Don't forget to include leashes, carriers, or crates for safe transportation.

Designated Safe Spot

Identify a designated safe spot outside of your home where you, your family, and your pets can meet and seek shelter during an emergency. This safe area should have good ventilation and be free from potential gas leaks. Any location outside is optimal, as long as it is far from any gas source and away from roadways.

Incorporating Natural Gas Safety into Pet Proofing

Pet-proofing your home should be an integral part of owning a pet, particularly in your natural gas safety strategy. Here are practical ways to combine gas safety with pet-proofing:

Secure Gas Sources

Ensure that all natural gas appliances in your home are securely connected and regularly inspected for potential leaks. Pets can inadvertently knock items over, chew on gas lines, or turn knobs on stovetops, so be sure to constantly monitor these areas of your homes for any accidental gas immersions. Take extra precautions to safeguard these areas and limit your pets' access to them as much as possible.

Install Gas Detectors Strategically

Place gas detectors strategically throughout your home. Consider areas where gas appliances are located and where your pets spend the most time. This ensures that any gas leaks are detected promptly, giving you the time needed to protect your pets.

The Role of Natural Gas Detectors in Pet Safety

Gas detectors are invaluable tools in your arsenal to protect your pets from gas leaks. These devices are indispensable in safeguarding yourself and your pets by continuously monitoring the air for the presence of harmful gases, immediately alerting you at the first sign of danger.

DeNova Detect Natural Gas Alarm

Your pets rely on you for their safety and well-being, especially during emergencies. Incorporating your pets into your emergency planning is not just an option; it's a responsibility that comes with being a loving pet owner. Gas detectors are invaluable tools in safeguarding your furry companions from the dangers of gas leaks, providing early warnings that make a difference in their quality of life. 

For the best in natural gas detection, invest in our DeNova Detect natural gas alarm. We leverage superior patent sensor technology to deliver the fastest response time of all alarms on the market, alerting you an impressive 11 minutes before other competitors. We are the only battery-powered natural gas alarm in the United States—perfect for your furry friends who like to chew on cords—and offer a 6-to-10-year product service life. Don’t go without the best protection for yourself, your home, and your precious animals.

Ready to equip your home with the best in natural gas detection? We’re here to help.

Email us at info@denovadetect.com or visit the DeNova Detect website.


Stay Calm and React: What to Do When Your Natural Gas Detector Alarms Go Off
Denova Detect Natural Gas Alarm by the most credible natural gas alarm provider, New Cosmos USA

