For years, NGA has played an integral role in the development and adoption of natural gas detection technology, including participating in the installation and manufacturing standards development process through the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and Underwriters Laboratories (UL). Further, NYSEARCH, NGA’s RD&D division, has conducted gas dispersion testing to identify the optimum placement and locations within a home for natural gas detectors. Additionally, our Members and our State Safety Regulators, lead the way in setting standards for deployment and installation of these important safety devices. Like carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, these devices can provide an early warning to consumers such that necessary safety actions are taken to address potential leaks before they become hazardous.
To encourage further adoption of these devices, NGA has partnered with Heath Consultants and launched the Natural Gas Detector Ambassador Program. “Along with the Operating Members we serve, our employees are our best safety advocates, and what better way to spread the word about the benefits of natural gas detectors than installing devices in our team members’ homes,” stated José Costa, President of NGA. “Our internal team members have become Natural Gas Detector Ambassadors to highlight the benefits of this important layer-of-protection,” further explained Costa.
The program was launched, and detectors installed following manufacturers’ instructions and in conformance with the recently issued installation standard, NFPA 715. The units were supplied by Heath Consultants and are state-of-the-art, fully compliant with the recently revised UL Standard UL-1484 and include a 10-year battery life explained Bob Wilson, Vice President Special Projects for NGA.
NGA encourages our members and other industry participants who are interested in initiating their own Natural Gas Detector Ambassador Program to reach out. Let’s spread the word together in the name of pipeline safety and become Natural Gas Detector Ambassadors!
For additional information about the program or these devices please contact Bob Wilson at, and check out the Natural Gas Detector’s page on our website.
See below for pictures of the team's installations:
(NGA President and CEO José Costa's installation at his home.)
(NGA Director of HR and Member Services Eileen Sitte's installation at her home.)
(NGA Director of Finance and Controller Brenda Bedarian's installation at her home.)
(NGA Vice President of Operations Paul Armstrong's installation at his home.)
(NYSEARCH Principal Engineer & Program Manager Paul Pirro's installation at his home.)
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